About Us

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Ek means one and stems from Eka, a word from the ancient Sanskrit language.

EkWomen is a digital media and community-building platform, which integrates audio and visual content with an aim to bring together women of the South Asian diaspora.

Women of the diaspora represent an underserved minority with different cultures, backgrounds, countries, and ethnicities…

EkWomen About us Image


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The EkWomen podcasts feature women of the South Asian diaspora whose inspiring stories will influence immigrant women to pursue their dreams and lead fulfilling lives.

Sneak Peek

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A glimpse into some amazing and inspirational South Asian women who have shared their stories on our podcasts.


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The EkWomen blog curate’s articles written by women of the diaspora on topics close to their hearts and also has a synopsis of each podcast interview.

Contact Us

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Is there someone you’d like us to interview?

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