Bangalore girl, Priya Doraswamy, has come a long way from her idyllic days at Bishop Cotton girls school where she roamed the city and never bothered to shave her underarms. She now runs a successful Literary house while raising two boys, cooking up a storm and still finding time to garden. It’s all about juggling different hats, she laughs.
As an expat, she turned her passion into a career, which was not just timely, but better still, kept her away from one of her ‘vices’. In the podcast, Priya explains why she walked away from lay and pivoted to publishing.
Find out about her time on The Ellen Show, about her views on women and minority writers and why she decided to go grey. As a publisher, she is feisty and fights for her clients because Geeta says if she believes in the book, she will move heaven or Earth to get it published.
Remember, wait till the end to find out what else drives this versatile woman. And follow Ekwomen for more such exciting podcasts every week.